The CFR has only 5000 members, yet they control over three-quarters of the nations wealth. The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has placed CFR members in every Presidential Administration since Woodrow Wilson. Today there are 500 unelected CFR members in government. They are the deep state. The move from administration to administration. Ones that leave are replaced with other CFR members. They work together to misinform and disinform the President to act in the best interest of the CFR not the best interest of the American People. At least five Presidents Eisenhower, Ford, Carter, Bush, and Clinton have been members of the CFR.

Natural law is the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and religion. We are being taught to forget both human nature and the God who created it. Four Council on Foreign Relations members have been Supreme Court justices: Sandra Day O’Conner, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Neil Gorsuch. The Council on Foreign Relations are using the Supreme Court to interpret our rights to Life, Liberty and Happiness in fanciful and destructive ways. This results in insurmountable societal divisions used to divide and conquer the bewildered herd by setting us against each other and creating polarized politics.

Council on Foreign Relations CFR member Republican Justice Sandra Day O’Conner helped the CFR achieve this result in the Planned Parenthood vs Casey, SCOTUS 5-4 decision, in June of 1992. Sandra Day O’Conner and republican justices Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter provided decisive swing votes to uphold Roe Vs. Wade. Their decision upholding the right to abortion stated: “At the heart of liberty is the right to de-fine one’s own concept of existence, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

This statement redefines liberty. It suggests there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles by which liberty is bound and we can do anything at all. How can our Creator have created us equal if we have the liberty to define ourselves as better than our neighbors? If O’Conner’s, Kennedy’s and Souter’s liberty were the liberty defended by the Declaration, we could never have formed a society at all.

CFR member Jimmy Carter admits the US is an Oligarchy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDsPWmioSHg

CFR member Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary tells us the CFR runs USA https://tinyurl.com/y9259ury

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Thank you for commenting. However, the point of this post is that those four SCOTUS justices should be impeached for lying to Congress during their confirmation hearings.

They were specifically asked about Roe and they answered that Roe was settled law and that was that. But as soon as they were seated, they went about trying to destroy Roe based on their religious beliefs, which they are trying to impose upon the rest of us. Lying to Congress is a federal crime.

Roe was decided on the 14th Amendment, which states that there should be equality under the law, but also the right to privacy. The government should not be allowed to monitor the most private decisions and acts of people, including women's bodily autonomy. This has nothing to do with "deep state" or "redefining liberty" or God. Until an embryo/fetus is viable and able to live outside the womb, it is part of the woman's body and any decision is up to her, and her alone. Life doesn't begin "at conception" but at the time a fetus is able to take its first breath, and that is not at conception or 6 weeks or 15 weeks, not until maybe 24 weeks. There is no "fetal heartbeat" until the fetus at least has a fully developed heart.

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