The Blue Murder Merry-Go-Round
And why do the police murder us so freely? Simply because they can

Issue #236 Keith’s Sci-Fi Musings January 29, 2023
You know this won’t be the last, right? Just like you know the next mass murder is only a teardrop away.
This post won’t be long because there isn’t much more to be said, but something still must be said.
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The article continues:
The thing about merry-go-rounds is that they are hypnotic in a way. Not so much for the kids on the ride as for the adults watching the show. We stand there and we smile, laugh and point as the same plastic horse impaled on a pole comes ‘round again…and again…and again…and again…and…
As if we had never seen that impaled horse ever before.
Tyre Nichols was murdered, savagely beaten to death, on January 10, 2023, by five police officers in Memphis. This time the Blue terror came dressed in Black skin, but we have learned that Blue swallows Black, same as it swallows White. Something about that color apparently has an insatiable appetite for human compassion when it comes to Black people not shielded by the Blue.
On Jan. 22, a week ago, I wrote a post about the police murder of Keenan Anderson who was killed on Jan. 3 for the sinful mistake of being a Black man who thought the police would help him after he had suffered a car accident. Instead they tased him to death.
And of course there is outrage, and tears, and the gnashing of teeth. The promises. The countless wailing Black mothers, beating defenseless coffins into splinters with their bloody fists.

I have seen those images so many times now, just as I have seen the images of mass murder. So have you. They are Rodney King. They are Eric Gardner. They are Breonna Taylor. They are Abner Louima. They are Philando Castile. They are George Floyd.
All black horses impaled on the blue murder merry-go-round that never stops.

What are your thoughts about the most recent incidences of police murdering innocent Black men? Let us know in the comments or start a discussion in the W.A.S. Chat Forum.
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