That time when the Imaginarium came to Detroit...
Afrofuturism as a (necessary) state of mind
Issue #281 Keith’s SciFiMusings March 19, 2023
As defined by the dictionary:
[ af-roh-fyoo-chuh-riz-uhm ]SHOW IPA
a cultural movement that uses the frame of science fiction and fantasy to reimagine the history of the African diaspora and to invoke a vision of a technically advanced and generally hopeful future in which Black people thrive: this movement is expressed through art, cinema, literature, music, fashion, etc.
As defined by The Imaginarium:
Afrofuturism offers an intersectional, multi-temporal, multi-dimensional, and interdisciplinary approach to the future. Also called a liberation movement, Afrofuturism empowers us to craft destinies and realities of inclusion, health, joy, and prosperity using speculative modalities such as science fiction, surrealism, magical realism, and horror. The cultural movement investigates the intersection of race and technology and science while being inspired by mythologies, legends, spiritual practices, and cosmologies from Africa and the diaspora. Afrofuturism serves as a vehicle to not only liberate Black bodies but also liberate all humans.
The Imaginarium, steered by creator, founder and Dreamer-In-Chief Ingrid LaFleur, landed in Detroit a week ago on the morning of Sunday, March 12, to the sound of singing bowls and the sanctity of Black imagination and creative silence giving birth. It will conclude on Sunday, March 26, following a two-week run of mind-expanding activities, discussions, sharing and otherworldly collaborations anchored in the fertile creative soil of Detroit unlike anything that has ever taken place in the Motor City before.
And that, my friends, is saying something.
If you were fortunate enough to attend any of the events up to now then you already know. If not, then there’s still time to catch the last few happenings, including (shameless self-promotion here) my science fiction reading from one or more stories drawn from (where else) Detroit Stories Quarterly.
WHEN: Friday, March 24
WHERE: 1414 Holcomb, Detroit, MI.
WHEN: 6-8 pm.
And in the unfortunate possibility that you may wind up missing it all, stay tuned for the next sighting of the Holy Mother Ship. Have your ticket ready.

This was something that no way was I going to miss, and not only because Ms. LaFleur kindly invited me to participate by asking me to read a story or two from the pages of our beloved Detroit Stories Quarterly. I wasn’t going to miss this because this is what I live for. What I do from 9-5 each weekday is exactly that; it’s what I do. But science fiction/fantasy/storytelling/musical creation/being creative in any and all ways possible is what I am. That’s what defines me. The other pays the bills.
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So much of our current reality, both good and bad, began as a dream. And so many of our greatest legends began their ascent guided by the encouragement of their dreams. I strongly believe that the strongest weapon Black folk have - and have always had (as was discussed at an Imaginarium Session on Friday night) - is our creativity and our imagination. It’s what has saved us and it is what protects us because it is one of the very few things that can’t be taken away.
Our creativity and our imagination is the framework of our humanity, which is why the gatekeepers of the oppressive society in which we continue to live not only can’t kill us - they spend countless pained hours trying to learn how to be us. How to manufacture another, more pale version of us that will satisfy their envy.
Only they can’t. Because, as has been said in other contexts but applies equally as well here - Black don’t crack. Black just snaps back.

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