We Are Speaking
We Are Speaking Podcast
Republicans, the Disabled, and Political Violence

Republicans, the Disabled, and Political Violence

The Republicans have shown you who they are. Believe them.
Keith A. Owens and Pamela Hilliard Owens

Season 1, Episode #26 October 29, 2022

The Republicans and Trump supporters have shown us time after time that they do not care about those who may be disabled, even temporarily, and that they directly or indirectly support political violence against Democrats, as long as it helps them to regain power.

This week, Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman, who is the Democratic candidate for an open seat in the Senate and is recovering from the stroke he suffered last spring, debated his Republican opponent, New Jersey resident and Turkish citizen Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Fetterman acknowledged that he is still struggling with getting his words out clearly and succinctly and that he needed digital help to answer questions. He said that he is fighting to heal and that he will similarly fight for Pennsylvanians who are down and need help. Dr. Oz, on the other hand, told people that a woman’s right to choose should be between her, her doctor, and the local politicians. Wow.

Also this week, early Friday morning, a 42-year-old man who is a believer in all kinds of rightwing conspiracy theories, broke into the home of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and 3rd in line for the presidency after Vice President Kamala Harris.

The assailant, who repeatedly yelled “Where’s Nancy?” savagely attacked the Speaker’s husband, Paul Pelosi, and said he would tie him up until Nancy came back. The SFPD disarmed the attacker and Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital with a broken skull and other injuries. The attacker was arrested on California state charges and Mr. Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery.

In this 30-minute episode, Keith and Pam discuss these events in the wider context of the danger to our rights and to our very democracy because of Republicans.

This podcast is sponsored by our paid subscribers and our company, the TeamOwens313 Global Creative Community, where we work with independent authors and creative professionals on branding and marketing themselves and their businesses. Visit our website here.

We Are Speaking
We Are Speaking Podcast
Married couple Keith Owens and Pamela Hilliard Owens speak on American Black History and Culture, Current Events, Politics, and fantasy sci-fi from a Black perspective. The podcast is sponsored by the TeamOwens313 Global Creative Community.