So as we count down toward the official launch of the Mayonnaise Murders Trilogy, which again will be on Friday, July 21, from 7-9 p.m. at our favorite bookstore, Book Suey, in Hamtramck at 10345 Joseph Campau, I think it's time I introduced you to The Twins, who are in a perverse way related to the most dangerous contract killers you've ever met.
That's right, The Gerruh. Like the Gerruh, they are twins, and like the Gerruh they were created in a test tube experiment that went horribly wrong. They are the original test tube freaks on Planet 10, who live alongside the critters and other misfits created by the pureblood humans on Earth. But unlike their cousins the Gerruh, they are not killers. They are Grade A hustlers and dealmakers. They are also extremely disgusting. But to find out more you need to read the series! Here's a taste...